Parent/Guardian enter email then click “Start Free Trial."
Check the parent/guardian email and click the mailed link to finish creating the account
You will need to enter a real credit card, but you will NOT be charged anything. We use credit card validation as a way to verify that the Keys & Kingdoms™ account holder is 18 or older.
At the end of the account creation, you will get an Account Code. Write that down. You can also find it in a second email we will send you later, as well as being able to find it under "My Account" when you log in to the Keys & Kingdoms™ website
You will need to enter this code on each device on which you wish to play.
Once your account has been created refer to the install directions for you platform
How much later does the second email arrive? I created my account and didn't think to write the account code down because typically account creation emails arrive quickly.
1 comment
How much later does the second email arrive? I created my account and didn't think to write the account code down because typically account creation emails arrive quickly.
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